Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Impressions of Windhoek

We have been in Windhoek for two days now. When we first landed we went on a tour of the city. Today we explored the town through a scavenger hunt. My group actually didn't get to all of the items on the list because we got to talking to different people. One of the items on the scavenger hunt was to go to the art museum. I asked one of the guides if he was an artist and he said that he was. I then asked if he had any work in the gallery and he showed us two of his paintings, which were really amazing. We got his contact information and a couple of us are going to set up an appointment to possibly buy his work. We also made friends with our waiter, who vented to us about the shopping habits of women. His name was Joslyn, but he told us "Joslyn the boy not the girl."
Here are some other impressions that I have of Windhoek in an acrostic. 

Weather, it has been very hot with only a few showers. We like to cool off by taking a swim. 
 Inquisitive, I like to ask the locals about themselves and they are curious as to what we are doing in Namibia  too. Here we are with our waiter Joslyn. 
Nature, today we explored nature by going on a hike around a dam. There were supposed to be baboons,but we only saw ants and herons. 
Dried mopane worms, they were selling these at the market we went to. Only three of us were brave enough to try them including me. It was very crunchy and kind of reminded me of charcoal.

Hotel, we are staying in a very nice hotel. All the staff tells us that we will be best friends by the time we leave.

Outdoor Market, the market we went to had a lot of dried goods as well as meats. We saw parts of a butchered cow with its hooves just lying on the ground.

Eating, has definitely been an adventure. The night we came we had a braai, which is a barbeque. Namibians are very into meat. They had several different kinds of pork and lamb plus sausage and told me that I had to try all of it.

Katutura, is the township where the majority of the people live in Windhoek. The houses seem to go on forever.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having a good time.
    Did you enjoy the food?
